How Class Works
We learn to take inventory of the whole body, locating each part from the toes all the way to the top of the head. We kick our legs, raise our arms, scrunch our faces, stretch our muscles, and we think about what’s easy to control, what’s difficult, and we find rhythm in all that movement.
By embodying characters with their particular emotions, we pay close attention to the postures and poses we strike.
We use exercises that explore the joy of making sounds. All the sounds of the English will be explored through fun drills, tongue twisters, and classic monologues.
With time tested techniques, we’ll explore and expand our understanding of voice production. We’ll practice vocal energy, breath power, and release all those tensions in the jaw, tongue, neck, and shoulders that make it so tough to bring the voice out.
We learn basic acting skills to understand how we can be in the moment by really listening and responding.
Working with others in the class, we make characters that we embody. Our characters push us to activate our emotions so we can interact truthfully under imaginary circumstances.